Hello Everyone. The Election of officers for the 2024-2025 VFW year is over. I want to take this opportunity to thank all the members of the Post for having faith in me to handle the operations of the Post. Commander is a very big responsibility, and I take it very seriously. I will do my best to insure that our Post runs as smoothly as possible and that all of the goals of Veterans of Foreign Wars are met, as well as providing support not only for our Veterans, but also their families and the community. I look forward to having a great year!

Post Commander, Jim Johnson


Post Officers for 2024-2025


Commander - Jim Johnson

Sr. Vice Commander - Paul Cousineau

Jr. Vice Commander - AJ (Alan) Kaeder

Quartermaster - Leonard Loftis

Chaplain - Robert Costello

Adjutant - Jim Johnson

Judge Advocate - Craig Kilian

Surgeon - Daniel Inmon


3 Year Trustee – John Giordano

2 Year Trustee – Van Dee Payne

1 Year Trustee – Charles Crafts

4 Year Club Committee – Bobby Malick

3 Year Club Committee – Gil DenBesten

2 Year Club Committee – Gary Cooper

1 Year Club Committee – Chuck Williams


Service Officer Leonard Loftis